A downloadable game for Windows

"The Magnificent 7 shrimps" is a western, rhythm based game.

The player must do combos in rhythm to avoid ennemies and obstacles until the final boss...

- " There are things that gnaw at a shrimp worse than dying : is to be cooked as tempura. "

The small fry community in a quaint corner of the sea are frequently under attack since Sushi-chef Calvera got his first Michelin star, celebrating his secret Tempura RecipeHe intends to marinate them again, and soon. The crustaceans combine their meager plankton savings and decide to hire 7 mercenary shrimps to repel the assault. The brave Chris sets off in to gather up the other magnificents that will help him face the horrible chef and reduce the Tempura recipe to a boil. "

- " There are three kinds of suns in this seaty, sunshine, sunflowers and sons of bitches ! Those who spend their time denying their crimes, play Russian roulette, but don't escape their destiny. "

Zoé Nguyen Thanh (Mentor Art Director), Marion Perret (Composer and Sound designer), Jonathan Giroux (Programmer), Kalinarm (Programmer), Cosmo (Integrateur unity)  and Julie Desmet Weaver (Narrative director)

This video game was created during the ARTE GAME JAM 2020.


ShrimpsBuild.zip 41 MB

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